in being still
stillness finds you
Interested in meditation or Zen?
1. Sign up for the ZEN SUN WEEKLY.
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Subscriber comments (reprinted with permission):
"What a lovely email to wake up to this morning!"
—Penelope Wong, Berea, KY
"I read a lot of profound spiritual writing and still find your words priceless, thanks!"
—Jane Birch, Provo, UT
"Thank you so much for sending this lovely moment of pause."
—Christina Frasher, Pittsburgh, PA
"I want you to know how much I appreciate being on your mailing list and getting your Zen weeklies (I save them all!)"
—Mike Massa, Nederland, CO
"Thanks for your beautiful words."
—Peter Harrington, Jemez Springs, NM
"What a lovely way to begin this week. Thank you!"
—Margie Hughes, Santa Fe, NM
2. Drop in for silent meditation, offered online every morning, 8-8:20AM MT | 10-10:20AM ET. Doors open at 7:45AM MT | 9:45AM ET. Fine to arrive late or leave early. All participants are automatically muted.
Join meditation class here (opens Zoom).
See meditation instructions here.
Become a Zen student. I am currently available to work with a small number of students. There is no fee; the only requirement is sincerity.
For a more detailed view of what Zen practice looks like, check out my attempt to answer the question What is Zen?
You may also be interested in this recent exploration of the Ten Oxherding Pictures.
The central concern of Zen practice is the pressing mystery of being alive. What am I doing here? Why is there something rather than nothing? Why is there so much suffering in the world?
If everything is continually coming into existence and going out of existence, what's the point?
Who am I in the deepest sense?
The teachings have roots in ancient India with teacher-student transmission allowing this unique tradition to spread, adapting and evolving, to China, Korea, Vietnam, Japan, North America, South America, Australia, and Europe.
Those who practice with sincerity, patience, and persistence tend to experience profound shifts in how they experience themselves and the world.
For example, life may begin to feel more like a work of art and less like an equation.
Joy may visit more frequently, and for no discernible reason. Ordinary activities—washing the dishes, taking out the garbage, walking the dog—acquire the gleam of the extraordinary.
Goals and dreams remain important, but they lose their desperate edge.
There is a greater experience of intimacy with people, places, and things.
One becomes more creative and spontaneous.
And the work one is called upon to do in the world becomes informed and nourished by the experience of a shared ground of being.
In Zen, the core practice is seated & silent meditation, also known as zazen. The larger terrain of practice includes working with a teacher, sitting with others, koan introspection, mindfulness, art practice, body practice, work practice, precepts practice, service, and retreat practice.
If you feel a connection to this, or if you already resonate with the teachings of Zen Buddhism, and would like explore further, make it so.